Engagement Process

Engagement Process

The Engagement process is the final step following our initial consultation where you are happy with the sample edit and we have agreed on the extent and price of the services you require.

Manuscript submission specifications

Manuscripts should comply with the below standards:

  • Please include a detailed synopsis with your manuscript as it is less time-consuming if we are able to read a synopsis prior to and during the editing process. The synopsis should include names and details of characters along with any special spellings used and English used (eg American, Australian, Canadian).
  • Manuscripts must be submitted in MS Word © (.doc or .docx).  Please specify the version of MS Word ©
  • Use the center function in MS Word © to center text
  • Always use the Page Break option in MS Word ©. Do not use returns to get to the next page or the next chapter
  • All chapters to be clearly marked